Lori R. Holyfield Attorney at Law

An Advocate Through Life's Transitions

Premarital Counseling May Get You a Discount on Your Marriage License

Did you know studies suggest that undergoing premarital counseling can reduce your risk of divorce by approximately one-third?  Also, in the State of Tennessee, engaged couples who go through at least 4 hours of premarital counseling are entitled to a $60.00 discount on their marriage license fee.  Most counties charge approximately $100 for a marriage license, so this is a substantial discount.

Premarital counseling, also known as marriage and relationship education, may include instruction about conflict management, communication skills, financial responsibilities, child-rearing, parenting responsibilities, and other common sources of marital issues. 

You do not need to be experiencing relationship problems in order to benefit from premarital counseling.  Think of it as preventive maintenance, like an oil change, tire rotation, a yearly physical at the doctor's office, or buckling your seatbelt before going on a ride.  It is an opportunity for a relationship tune-up before you take the plunge.  With divorce rates as high as they are, why not do everything you can to increase your chances of making it work?

People who are qualified to perform the type of premarital counseling that will get you a discount include psychologists, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, clinical pastoral therapists, professional counselors, psychological examiners, and religious ministers.


Lori R. Holyfield focuses her practice in divorce and family law and serves Shelby, Tipton, and Fayette Counties in southwest Tennessee.

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